36. Being Young AND the Best Version of Yourself feat. Sarah Humphrey

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This week I am joined by Sarah Humphrey, the host of It Ain't It Sis. We talk bullying, body image, struggling with mental health at a young age, college advice, and so much more. To follow along with Sarah, you can listen to her podcast on every platform, follow her on Instagram (@sarahhumphrey7 and @it.aint.it.sis). Listen to the episode Sarah and I recorded together on her show here.
Mentioned in this week's episode
> Power to Persevere: Inspiring Stories to Help You Get Through Challenging Moments by Alexa Cucchiara
About She Persisted (formerly Nevertheless, She Persisted)
After a year and a half of intensive treatment for severe depression and anxiety, 18-year-old Sadie recounts her journey by interviewing family members, professionals, and fellow teens to offer self-improvement tips, DBT education, and personal experiences. She Persisted is the reminder that someone else has been there too and your inspiration to live your life worth living.
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