15. How do you support a friend struggling with depression and anxiety while maintaining your own mental health?


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I sit down with my best friend from home, who recounts what it was like watching me struggle, go to treatment, and come back home successfully. We discuss the societal norms that continuously stigmatize mental illness, how to support a friend who is struggling, and the importance of maintaining your mental health and support system before trying to solve someone else's! 

About She Persisted (formerly Nevertheless, She Persisted)

After a year and a half of intensive treatment for severe depression and anxiety, 18-year-old Sadie recounts her journey by interviewing family members, professionals, and fellow teens to offer self-improvement tips, DBT education, and personal experiences. She Persisted is the reminder that someone else has been there too and your inspiration to live your life worth living.

Recent Episodes


16. DBT Education: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (an overview)... changing problem behaviors, validating, key principles to use when combatting teenage depression and anxiety


14. The effect of depression and anxiety on a family… feat. my younger sister