2. A Dad’s perspective on how to support a teen suffering from depression and anxiety


I sit down with my Dad to discuss what it was like to see his child suffering from mental illness. Between conversations about the difficult decision to send me away, as a parent, not knowing how to help me, and what is different now in our family, this episode is aimed to give parents reassurance that you're doing the best you can and for kids to understand what it's like to be a parent in the toughest of times. 

About She Persisted (formerly Nevertheless, She Persisted)

After a year and a half of intensive treatment for severe depression and anxiety, 18-year-old Sadie recounts her journey by interviewing family members, professionals, and fellow teens to offer self-improvement tips, DBT education, and personal experiences. She Persisted is the reminder that someone else has been there too and your inspiration to live your life worth living.

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© 2020 She Persisted LLC. This podcast is copyrighted subject matter owned by She Persisted LLC and She Persisted LLC reserves all rights in and to the podcast.  Any use without She Persisted LLC’s express prior written consent is prohibited.

Recent Episodes


3. A sister’s perspective: what do depression and anxiety look like? How do you support a sibling struggling? How did therapy help our family?


1. A teen’s perspective: depression and anxiety… my core beliefs, the decision I made to work on myself, and my journey through intensive mental health treatment