32. Scout Sobel on her experience with bipolar, Okay Sis, healthy relationships, navigating mental illness, and more!

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This week’s guest is Scout Sobel, the host of SCOUT Podcast and cohost of Okay Sis. She is not only the CEO of Scout’s Agency, a PR agency that specializes in podcasts and women’s voices, brands, and companies but a huge mental health advocate and a bipolar survivor. If you want to hear more from Scout her podcasts' Okay Sis and SCOUT are available on every listing platform and you can follow her on Instagram at @scoutsobel.
Resources mentioned in today’s episode…
For affordable online counseling and therapy go to betterhealth.com/okaysis
Jen Sincero's approach to discovering core beliefs is from her book You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
About She Persisted (formerly Nevertheless, She Persisted)
After a year and a half of intensive treatment for severe depression and anxiety, 18-year-old Sadie recounts her journey by interviewing family members, professionals, and fellow teens to offer self-improvement tips, DBT education, and personal experiences. She Persisted is the reminder that someone else has been there too and your inspiration to live your life worth living.
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