33. Q+A #1: podcasting, supporting a friend that's struggling with mental health, rebuilding relationships, and navigating change!

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What I use NOW for podcasting: SURE microphones, Cloudlifter mixer, Zoom H6 Audio Recorder, Descript, Anchor, and Adobe Audition
Collaboration with The Leeza Rants Podcast: https://apple.co/38ocev6
Past episode on validation: DBT Education: Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (an overview)... changing problem behaviors, validating, key principles to use when combatting teenage depression and anxiety
Questions I answered (in order of appearance):
What was the main goal of making your podcast?
Podcasting sound quality Anchor is great for pods but how did you learn everything about mics and all the other technology? Your podcast seems to have much better quality and I love it!
What is something you are most passionate about right now?
How can you support/help support a friend who’s struggling with depression or any mental illnesses?
How to support a friend that you aren’t really close to…
How do you think being a kid/teenager impacts your mental health different than being an adult?
What are your favorite simple, on the spot coping mechanisms when something unexpected happens when you can’t cope ahead?
What’s one relationship you have re-evaluated/rebuilt since coming out of McLean + therapeutic boarding school? (ie: relationship with your family, or friends, teachers, etc?) How did you work on rebuilding those relationships?
How did you deal with the transition from residential to regular school. What were the most difficult parts and how did you deal with them?
About She Persisted (formerly Nevertheless, She Persisted)
After a year and a half of intensive treatment for severe depression and anxiety, 18-year-old Sadie recounts her journey by interviewing family members, professionals, and fellow teens to offer self-improvement tips, DBT education, and personal experiences. She Persisted is the reminder that someone else has been there too and your inspiration to live your life worth living.
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